
Underlined authors indicates students I mentored in writing.

Google Scholar profile.

Peer Reviewed Journals

Amafule, C., Britwein, J., Yip, J.C., & Brod, G. (2024). Children’s perspectives on self-regulated learning: A co-design study on children’s expectations towards educational technology. Education and Information Technologies.
[h5-index – 112; Impact factor – 4.8] [PDF]

Blinder, E., Chetty, M., Vitak, J., Torok, Z., Fessehazion, S., Yip, J., Fails, J.A., Bonsignore, E., & Clegg, T. (2024). Evaluating privacy and security tradeoffs with children using hypothetical ‘Would You Rather’ scenarios. In ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).
[h5-index – 58] [PDF]   

Le, A., Ma, M., Bui, L., Shi, A., Pham, L., Gonzalez, C., & Yip, J.C. (2024). “I felt like I was doing grown-up things”: Young adult reflections on their childhood experiences of online searching and brokering in immigrant families. In ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).
[h5-index – 58] [PDF]

Hofer, S., Heine, J.H., Besharati, S., Yip, J.C., Reinhold, F., & Brummelman, E. (2024). Self-perceptions as mechanisms of achievement inequality: Evidence across 70 countries. Nature Partner Journals (npj) – Science of Learning.
[h5-index – 30; Impact factor – 5.4]
Open Data, PDF – Full Paper]

Lee, K.J., Wang, H.C., Park, H., Jo, M., Cho, Y., Park, G., Lee, J.H., & Yip, J. (2023). Meeting the values of the host country: Conducting online participatory design with children with a focus on cultural awareness. Behaviour and Information Technology. 
[h5-index – 55; Impact factor – 3.7]
[PDF – Full paper]

Clegg, T., Hernly, K., Ahn, J., Yip, J., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., & Pitt, C. (2023). It takes a village: Relational dispositions that fuel community science learning. American Educational Research Journal.
[h5-index – 60; Impact factor – 4.503]
[PDF – Full paper]

Yip, J.C., Wong, K., Oh, I., Sultan, F., Roldan, W., Lee, K.J., Huh, J. (2023). Co-design tensions between families and children around mobile health technology design needs and decisions: A case study. Journal of Medical Internet Research – Formative Research, 2023; 7:e41726.
[h5-index – 21]
[PDF – Full paper]

Lee, K.J., Kim, Y., Roldan, W., Lee, J.H., & Yip, J.C. (2023). Caring for the community: An Academically Based Community Service course in LIS. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.
[h5-index – 30; Impact factor – 1.82]
[PDF – Full paper]

Dahya, N., Roldan, W., Lee, J.H., Yip, J., Luke, J., Joya, A., Patiño-Liu, D.M., & Summerlin, E. (2022). Virtual reality and youth incarceration: Methodological reflections from a media education & research program. Canadian Journal of Communications.
[h5-index -14, Impact factor – 0.54]
[PDF – Full paper]

Roldan, W., Lee, K.J., Berhe, L., Nguyen, K., & Yip, J.C. (2022). Disrupting informal computing education: Teen-led co-design in libraries. ACM Transactions on Computing Education.
[h5-index – 26, Impact factor – 3.45]
[PDF – Full paper]

Yip, J.C., Roldan, W., Gonzalez, C., Pina, L.R., Ruiz, M., & Vanegas, P. (2022). Youth invisible work: The sociocultural and collaborative processes of online search and brokering between adolescents and English-language learning families. Information and Learning Sciences.
[h5-index – 16, Impact factor – 1.50]
[PDF – Full paper]

Fails, J.A., Ratakonda, D.K., Koren, N., Elsayed-Ali, S., Bonsignore, E., & Yip, J.C. (2022). Pushing boundaries of co-design by going online: Lessons learned and reflections from three perspectives. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.
***BEST PAPER AWARD 2023 (TOP 2%)*** 🏆︎
[PDF – Full paper]

Pearce, K., Yip, J.C., Lee, J.H., Martinez, J., Windleharth, T., Li, Q. & Bhattacharya, A. (2021). Families playing Animal Crossing together: Coping with video games during the COVID-19 pandemic. Games and Culture.
[h5-index – 29, Impact factor – 1.9]
[PDF – Full paper]

Lee, J.H., Yip, J.C., Moore, A., de Jong, Z., Kobashigawa, R., Escalara, A., & Cho, J. (2022). Understanding users’ perspectives on ethical issues related to playing location-based augmented reality games: A case study of Pokémon GO. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction.
[h5-index – 36, Impact factor – 1.26]
[PDF – Full paper]

Martinez, J.J., Windleharth, T.W., Li, Q., Bhattacharya, A., Pearce, K., Yip, J.C., & Lee, J.H. (2022). Joint media engagement in families playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons during the COVID-19 Pandemic. ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW)
[h5-index – 58]
[PDF – Full paper]

Pearce, K., Yip, J.C., Lee, J.H., Martinez, J., Windleharth, T., Li, Q., & Bhattacharya, A. (2021). “I need to just have a couple of White Claws and play Animal Crossing tonight”: Parents coping with video games during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology of Popular Media.
[h5-index – 32, Impact factor – 2.29]
[PDF – Full paper]

Sakaguchi-Tang, D.K., Cunningham, J.L., Roldan, W., Yip, J.C., & Kientz, J.A. (2021). Co-design with older adults: Examining and reflecting on collaboration with aging communities. In ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW)
[h5-index – 58]
[PDF – Full paper]

Michelson, R., DeWitt, A., Nagar, R., Hiniker, A., Yip, J.C., Munson, S.A., & Kientz, J.A.(2021). Parenting in a pandemic: Juggling multiple roles and managing technology use in family life during COVID-19. In ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW)
[h5-index – 58]
[PDF – Full paper]

Huh, J., Lee, K.J., Roldan, W., Castro, Y., Kshirsagar, S., Rastogi, P., Kim, I., Miller, K.A., Cockburn, M., & Yip, J.C. (2021). Making of Mobile SunSmart: Co‐designing a just‐in‐time sun protection intervention for children and parents International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
[h5-index – 35, Impact factor – 2.113] 
[PDF – Full paper]

Druga, S., Yip, J.C., Preston, M., & Dillon, D. (2021). The 4As: Ask, Adapt, Author, Analyze – AI literacy framework for families. Journal of Design and Science. MIT Press.
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Gonzalez, C., Bollinger, B., Yip, J.C., Pina, L., Roldan, W., & Nieto Ruiz, C. (2020). Intergenerational online health information seeking: Framing health literacy as a family asset. Health Communication.
[h5-index – 38, impact factor – 1.965]
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Beneteau, E., Guan, Y., Richards, O.K., Zhang, M.R., Kientz, J., Yip, J.C., & Hiniker, A. (2020). Assumptions checked: How families learn about and use the Echo Dot. In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT, formerly the UbiComp conference).
[h5-index – 57]
[PDF – Full paper]

Yip, J.C., Lee, K.J., & Lee, J.H. (2019). Design partnerships for participatory librarianship: A conceptual model for understanding librarians co-designing with digital youth. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. DOI:10.1002/asi.24320
[h5-index – 60, Impact factor – 2.738]
[PDF – Full paper]

Chordia, I., Yip, J.C., & Hiniker, A. (2019). Intentional technology use in early childhood education. In Proceedings of ACM Computer-Supported Collaborative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2019).
[h5-index – 60, Acceptance rate – ~25%]
[PDF – Full paper]

Mills, K., Bonsignore, E., Clegg, T., Ahn, J., Yip, J., Pauw, D., Hernly, K., & Pitt, C. (2019). Connecting children’s scientific funds of knowledge shared on social media to science concepts. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.
[Impact factor – 1.366]
[PDF – Full paper]

Kawas, S., Lawler, J.J., Yip, J.C., Chase, S., & Davis, K. (2019). Sparking interest: A design framework for mobile technologies to promote children’s interest in nature. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.
[Impact factor – 1.366]
[PDF – Full paper]

Pina, L., Gonzalez, C., Nieto, C., Roldan, W., Onofre, E., & Yip, J. (2018). How U.S. Latino children engage in collaborative online information problem solving with their families. In Proceedings of ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work.
[h5-index – 58, Acceptance rate – 26%]
[PDF – Full Paper]

Ahn, J., Clegg, T., Yip, J.C., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., Gubbels, M., Lewittes, B., & Rhodes, E. (2015).  Seeing the unseen learner: Designing and using social media to recognize children’s science dispositions in action. Learning, Media, and Technology.
*Note: First authors are listed by alphabetical order (Ahn, Clegg, Yip).

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Stieff, M., Ryu, M., & Yip, J.C. (2013). Speaking across levels—teacher and student discourse practices in the chemistry classroom. Chemistry Education Research and Practice.
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Foss, E. Guha, M.L., Papadatos, P., Clegg, T.L., Yip, J.C., & Walsh, G. (2013). Creating technology with middle school students with learning differences. Journal of Special Education Technology.
[PDF – Full paper]

Foss, E., Hutchinson, H., Druin, A., Yip, J., Ford, W., & Golub, E. (2013). How adolescents search the Internet: Search roles and adult stakeholders. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(1), 173-189.
[PDF – Full paper] 

Sechler, J., Yip, J.C. & Rosenberg, A. (1997, December). Genetic variation among 129 substrains: Practical consequences. Journal of Immunology, 159(12):5766-8.
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Published Conference Proceedings (Refereed)

Cho, Y., Newman, M., Pitt, C., Yip, J.C., & Lee, J.H. (2024). You are tilted!: Leveraging tabletop gaming to manage tilt and strengthen team dynamics in esports. In Proceedings of ACM Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY 2024).
[h5-index – 34]  [PDF]

Newman, M., Morris, L., Kato, J., Goto, M., Yip, J.C., & Lee, J.H. (2024). Purposeful play: Evaluation and co-design of casual music creation applications with children. In Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2024).
[h5-index – 43] [PDF]

Chordia, I., Kim, J.W., Liu, Z., Park, H., Garrett, L., Erete, S., LeDantec, C., Yip, J.C., & Hiniker, A. (2024). Tuning into the world: Designing community safety technologies to reduce dysfunctional fear of crime.  In Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems.
[h5-index – 44] [PDF]

Collyer-Hoar, G., Rubegni, E., Malinverni, L., & Yip, J.C. (2024). “It’s kind of weird talking to a sphere”: Exploring children’s hopes and fears on social robot morphology using speculative research methods. In Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems.  
[h5-index – 44] [PDF]

Dangol, A.*, Newman, M.*, Wolfe, R., Lee, J.H., Kientz, J., Yip, J.C., & Pitt, C. (2024). Mediating culture: Cultivating socio-cultural understanding of AI in children through participatory design. In Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems.
[h5-index – 44] [PDF]

Hunt, C.L., Sun, K., Tseng, K., Balasubramaniyam, P., Druin, A., Huynh, A., Leithinger, D., & Yip, J.C. (2024). Making a metaphor sandwich: Analyzing children’s use of metaphor during tabletop telepresence robot supported participatory design. In Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Interaction Design and Children.
[h5-index – 30] [PDF]

Sun, K., Kanchi, R., Ello, F., Co, L., Wu, M., Gelman, S., Radesky, J., Schaub, F., & Yip, J.C. (2024). “Why is everything in the cloud?”: Co-designing visual cues representing data processes with children. In Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Interaction Design and Children.
[h5-index – 30] [PDF]

Newman, M., Sun, K., Gasperina, I.D., Pedraja, M., Kanchi, R., Song, M.B., Li, R., Lee, J.H., & Yip, J.C. (2024). “I want it to talk like Darth Vader”: Helping children construct creative self-efficacy with generative AI. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
[h5-index – 122] [PDF]
***HONORABLE MENTION Best Paper Award (Top 5% of 4,000+ submissions)***🥇

Sangameswaran, S., Laine, M., Reid, N., Xie, S.J., Zampino, L., Garrison, M.M., Rosenberg, D., Yip, J.C., Hartler, A. (2023). Co-designing mind-body technologies for sleep with adolescents. In Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association.
[h5-index – 30] [PDF]
HONORABLE MENTION for Best Student Paper Award (Top 7% of 119 submissions)🥇

Hunt, C.L., Sun, K., Dhuliawala, Z., Tsukiyama, F., Matkovic, I., Schwemier, Z., Wolf, A., Zhang, Z., Druin, A., Huynh, A., Leithinger, D., & Yip, J. (2023). Designing together, miles apart: A longitudinal tabletop telepresence adventure in online co-design with children. In ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2023).
[h5-index – 28] [PDF]

Yip, J.C., Ello, F.M.L., Tsukiyama, F., Wairagade, A., & Ahn, J. (2023). “Money shouldn’t be money!” : An examination of financial literacy and technology for children through co-design. In ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2023).
[h5-index – 28]
[PDF – Full paper]

Chordia, I., Tran, L.P., Tayebi, T.J., Parrish, E., Erete, S., Yip, J.C., & Hiniker, A. (2023). Deceptive design patterns in safety technologies: A case study of the Citizen app. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
[h5-index – 113]
**BEST PAPER AWARD (TOP 1% out of 3,100+ submissions)**🏆︎
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Sangameswaran, S., Xie, S.J., Garrison, M.M., Rosenberg, D., Yip, J.C., & Hartzler, A.L. (2022). Exploring needs, interests and preferences for digital mind body tools for youth. In Proceedings of American Medical Informatics Association.
[h5-index – 30]
[PDF – Full paper]

Cho, Y., Newman, M., Morris, L., Koughan, L.D., Yip, J.C., & Lee, J.H. (2023). Gender difference in ethical stances for playing AR games: The case of Pokémon GO. In Digital Games Research Association (DIGRA 2023).
[PDF – Full paper]

Rubegni, E., Malinverni, L., & Yip, J.C. (2022). “Don’t let the robots walk our dogs, but it’s ok for them to do our homework”: Children’s perceptions, fears, and hopes in social robots. In ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2022).
[h5-index – 28]
[PDF – Full paper]

Woodward, J., Alemu, F., López-Adames, N.E., Anthony, L., Yip, J.C., & Ruiz, J. (2022). “It would be cool to get stampeded by dinosaurs”: Analyzing children’s conceptual model of AR headsets through co-design. In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.  
[h5-index – 101]
[PDF – Full paper]

Bhattacharya, A., Windleharth, T.W., Lee, C., Paramasivam, A., Kientz, J., Yip, J.C., & Lee, J.H. (2021). The pandemic as a catalyst for reimagining the foundations of location-based games. In ACM CHIPlay.
[h5-index – 25]
[PDF – Full paper]

Roldan, W., Li, Z., Gao, X., Kay Strickler, S., Hishikawa, A.M., Froehlich, J. E., & Yip, J. (2021). Pedagogical Strategies for Reflection in Project-based HCI Education with End Users. Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems 2021.
[h5-index – 31, Acceptance rate – 24%]
**HONORABLE MENTION BEST PAPER AWARD (TOP 5% out of 400+ submissions)**🥇
[PDF – Full paper]

Simko, L., Chin, B., Na, S., Saluja, H.K., Zhu, T.Q., Kohno, T., Hiniker, A., Yip, J.C., & Cobb, C. (2021). Would you rather: A focus group method for eliciting and discussing formative design insights with children. In ACM Interaction Design and Children.
[h5-index – 25]
[PDF – Full paper]

Lee, K.J., Roldan, W., Zhu, T.Q., Saluja, H.K., Na, S., Chin, B., Zeng, Y., Lee, J.H., & Yip, J.C., (2021). The show must go on: A conceptual model of conducting synchronous participatory design with children online. Submitted to Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery.
[h5-index – 95, Acceptance rate – 26.3%]
**BEST PAPER (TOP 1% out of 2,800 submissions)**
[PDF – Full Paper]

Roldan, W., Gao, X., Hishikawa, A.M., Ku, T., Li, Z., Zhang, E., Froehlich, J., & Yip, J.C. (2020). Opportunities and challenges in involving users in project-based HCI education. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020).
[h5-index – 87, Acceptance rate – 24.31%]
**HONORABLE MENTION BEST PAPER (TOP 5% out of 3,100 submissions)**
[PDF – Full paper]

Beneteau, E., Boone, A., Wu, Y., Kientz, J., Yip, J.C., & Hiniker, A. (2020). Parenting with Alexa: Exploring the introduction of smart speakers on family dynamics. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020).
[h5-index – 87, Acceptance rate – 24.31%]
[PDF – Full paper]

Logler, N., Pitt, C., Hishikawa, A.M., Gao, X., Yip, J.C., & Friedman, B. (2020). “I feel like this is a bad thing”: Investigating disassembly in action for novices. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020).
[h5-index – 87, Acceptance rate – 24.31%]
[PDF – Full paper]

Roldan, W., Vanegas, P., Pina, L., Gonzalez, C., & Yip, J.C. (2019). The role of funds of knowledge in online search and brokering. In Proceedings of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference.
[h5-index – 15, Acceptance rate – 35%]
[PDF – Full paper]

Beneteau, E., Richards, O.K., Zhang, M.R., Kientz, J., Yip, J., & Hiniker, A. (2019). Communication breakdowns between families and Alexa. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019).
[h5-index – 86, Acceptance rate – 23.8%]
[PDF – Full paper]

Yip, J., Sobel, K., Gao, X., Hishikawa, A.M., Lim, A., Meng, L., Ofiana, R.F., Park, J., & Hiniker, A. (2019). Laughing is scary, but farting is cute: A conceptual model of children’s perspectives of creepy technologies. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019).
[h5-index – 86, Acceptance rate – 23.8%]
[PDF – Full paper]

Bhattacharya, A., Windleharth, T.W., Ishii, R.A., Acevedo, I.M., Aragon, C., Kientz, J., Yip, J.C., & Lee, J.H. (2019). Group interactions in location-based gaming: A case study of raiding in Pokémon GO. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019).
[h5-index – 86, Acceptance rate – 23.8%]
[PDF – Full Paper]

Mills, K., Bonsignore, E., Clegg, T., Ahn, J., Yip, J., Pauw, D., Cabrera, L., Hernly, K., & Pitt, C. (2018). Designing to illuminate children’s scientific funds of knowledge through social media sharing. In Proceedings of ACM Interaction Design and Children.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Cabrera, L., Ahn, J., Yip, J., Clegg, T., Hernly, K., Bonsignore, E., Pitt, C., Pauw, D. (2018). Exploring practices on the move: Facilitating learning across a neighborhood. Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2018).
**HONORABLE MENTION for Best Student Paper Award**
[PDF – Full Paper]

Banerjee, R., Liu, L., Sobel, K., Pitt, C., Lee, K.J., Wang, M., Chen, S., Davison, L.Yip, J., Ko, A., & Popovič, Z. (2018). Empowering families facing English literacy challenges to jointly engage in computer programming. In Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018). New York, NY: ACM.
**HONORABLE MENTION BEST PAPER (TOP 5% out of 2,500 submissions)**
[PDF – Full Paper]

Ahn, J., Clegg, T., Yip, J., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., Cabrera, L., Hernly, K., Pitt, C., Mills, K., Salazar, A., Griffing, D., Rick, J., & Marr, R. (2018). Science Everywhere: Designing public, tangible displays to connect youth learning across settings. In Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018). New York, NY: ACM.
*Note: First authors are listed by alphabetical order (Ahn, Clegg, Yip).
[PDF – Full Paper]

Woodward, J., McFadden, Z., Shiver, N., Ben-hayon, A.Yip, J.C., & Anthony, L. (2018). Using co-design to examine how children conceptualize intelligent interfaces. In Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018). New York, NY: ACM.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Ko, A., Hwa, L., Davis, K. & Yip, J.C. (2018). Informal computing mentoring of low-income adolescents: Relationships, roles, qualities, and impact. In Proceedings of SIGCSE 2018.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Yip, J.C., Windleharth, T., & Lee, J.H. (2017). Collaborative scientizing in Pokémon GO online communities. In Proceedings of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Yip, J.C., Sobel, K., Pitt, C., Lee, K.J., Chen, S., Nasu, K., & Pina, L. (2017). Examining adult-child interactions in participatory design. In Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017). New York, NY: ACM.
**HONORABLE MENTION BEST PAPER (TOP 5% out of 2,400 submissions)**
[PDF – Full Paper]

Clegg, T., Norooz, L., Kang, S., Byrne, V., Katzen, M., Valez, R., Plane, A., Oguamanam, V., Outing, T., Yip, J., Bonsignore, E., & Froehlich, J. (2017). Live physiological sensing & visualization ecosystems: An Activity Theory analysis. In Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017). New York, NY: ACM.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Sobel, K., Bhattacharya, A., Hiniker, A., Lee, J.H., Kientz, J., & Yip, J.C. (2017). “It wasn’t really about the Pokémon”: Understanding families’ experiences with a location-based mobile game. In Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017). New York, NY: ACM.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Pina, L., Munson, S., Ward, T., Yip, J.C., Fogarty, J., & Kientz, J. (2017). From personal informatics to family informatics: Understanding family practices around health monitoring. In Proceedings of Computer-Supported Collaborative Work.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Yip, J.C., Gonzalez, C., & Katz, V. (2016). The learning experiences of youth online information brokers. In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2016).
[PDF – Full Paper]

Yip, J.C., Clegg, T.L., Ahn, J., Uchidiuno, J.O., Bonsignore, E., Beck, A., Pauw, D., & Mills, K. (2016). The evolution of engagements and social bonds during child-parent co-design. In Proceedings of SIGCHI Human Factors (CHI 2016). 
[PDF – Full Paper]

Pauw, D., Clegg, T., Ahn, J., Bonsignore, E., Yip, J.C. , & Uchidiuno, J. (2015). Navigating connected inquiry learning with ScienceKit. In Lindwall, O., Häkkinen, P., Koschman, T. Tchounikine, P. & Ludvigsen, S. (Eds.) (2015). Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015 (Vol. 1, pp. 300 – 307). Gothenburg, Sweden: The International Society of the Learning Sciences.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Gelderblom, H., Yip, J., Bonsignore, E., & Chimbo, B. (2014). Self-recorded audio feedback as a means to allow young, vulnerable children to participate in design. In J. Steyn & D. Van Greunen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Development Informatics Association Conference. (pp. 206-222). Roodepoort, South Africa.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Yip, J.C., Ahn, J., Clegg, T.L., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D. & Gubbels., M. (2014). “It helped me do my science.” A case of designing social media technologies for children in science learning. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2014).
[PDF – Full Paper]

Yip, J.C., Clegg, T.L., Ahn, J., Bonsignore, E., Gubbels, M., Rhodes, E., & Lewittes, B. (2014). The role of identity development within tensions in ownership of science learning. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014).
[PDF – Full Paper]

Clegg, T.L., Bonsignore, E., Ahn, J., Yip, J.C., Pauw, D., & Gubbels, M. (2014). Capturing personal and social science: Technology for integrating the building blocks of disposition. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014).
[PDF – Full Paper]

Ahn, J., Subramaniam, M., Bonsignore, E., Pellicone, A., Waugh, A., & Yip, J.C. (2014). “I want to be a game designer or scientist”: Connected learning and developing identities with urban, African-American youth. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014).
[PDF – Full Paper]

Yip, J.C., Clegg, T., Bonsignore, E., Gelderblom, H., Rhodes, E., & Druin, A. (2013). Brownies or Bags-of-Stuff? Domain expertise in Cooperative Inquiry with children. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’13).
[PDF – Full paper]

Clegg, T., Yip, J.C., Ahn, J., Bonsignore, E., Gubbels, M., Lewittis, B. & Rhodes, E. (2013). When face-to-face fails: Opportunities for social media to foster collaborative learning. In Proceedings of the Tenth Computer Supported Collaboration Learning Conference (CSCL 2013).
[PDF – Full paper]

Bonsignore, E., Ahn, J., Clegg, T.L., Guha, M.L., Hourcade, J.P., Yip, J.C. & Druin, A. (2013) Embedding participatory design into designs for learning: An untapped interdisciplinary resource? Symposium paper in Proceedings of the Tenth Computer Supported Collaboration Learning Conference (CSCL 2013).
[PDF – Symposium Full paper]

Walsh, G., Foss, E., Yip, J. & Druin, A. (2013). FACIT PD: A framework for analysis and creation of intergenerational techniques for participatory design. In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013). New York, NY: ACM.
[PDF – Full paper]

Yip, J.C., Clegg, T.L., Bonsignore, E., Gelderblom, H., Lewites, B., Guha, M.L., & Druin, A. (2012). Kitchen Chemistry: Supporting learners’ decisions in science. In J. van Aalst, K. Thompson, M.J. Jacobson, and P. Reimann, (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) (Vol. 1, pp. 103 – 110). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
[PDF – Full paper]

Clegg, T.L., Bonsignore, E., Yip, J.C., Gelderblom, H., Kuhn. A., Valenstein, T. & Druin, A. (2012). Technology for promoting scientific practice and personal meaning in life-relevant learning. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’12) (pp. 152-161) New York, NY: ACM.
[PDF – Full Paper]

Walsh, G., Druin, A., Guha, M.L., Bonsignore, E., Foss, E., Yip, J., Golub, E., Clegg, T., Brown, Q., & Brewer, R. (2012, June). DisCo: A co-design online tool for asynchronous distributed child and adult design partners. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’12) (pp. 11-19). New York, NY: ACM.
[PDF – Full paper]

Short Papers and Extended Abstracts (Refereed)

Chen, Y.Y., Yip, J.C., Rosner, D., & Hiniker, A. (2019). Lights, music, stamps!  Evaluating mealtime tangibles for preschoolers. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (pp. 127–134). Association for Computing Machinery.
[PDF – Short Paper]

Mills, K., Bonsignore, E., Clegg, T., Yip, J.C., Ahn, J., Beck, A., Pauw, D., Pitt, C., Jeong, H., & Orellana, C. (2019). Social media in the science classroom: Bridging funds of knowledge to scientific concepts. Proceedings of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
[PDF – Short Paper]

Lee, J.H., Schmalz, M., Yip, J.C., & Windleharth, T. (2017). Impact of location-based augmented reality Games on people’s information behavior. In Proceedings of iConference.
[PDF – Short Paper]

Banerjee, R., Yip, J.C., Lee, K.J., and Popović, Z. (2016). Empowering children to rapidly author games and animations without writing code. In Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’16), 230–237.
[PDF – Short Paper]

Bonsignore, E., Ahn, J., Clegg, T.L., Yip, J.C., Pauw, D., Gubbels, M., Lewettis, B., & Rhodes, E. (2014). Selfies for science: Collaborative configurations around ScienceKit. In Proceedings of the Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW2014).
[PDF – Short Paper]

Ahn, J., Gubbels, M.Yip, J.C., Bonsignore, E., & Clegg, T.L. (2013). Using social media and learning analytics to understand how children engage in scientific inquiry. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’13).
[PDF – Short Paper]

Yip, J.C., Foss, E., Bonsignore, E., Guha, M.L., Norooz, L., Rhodes, E., McNally, B., Papadatos, P., Golub, E., & Druin, A. (2013). Children initiating and leading Cooperative Inquiry sessions. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’13).
[PDF – Short paper]

Gubbels, M., Yip, J.C., Kim, J., & Ahn, J. (2013) Science INQuiry. In Proceedings of the iConference 2013, Ft. Worth, TX.
[PDF – Extended Abstract]

Ryan, S., Yip, J.C., Stieff, M. & Druin, A. (2013). Cooperative inquiry as communities of practice. In N. Rummel, M. Kapur, M. Nathan, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning): Vol. 2 (pp. 145-148).
[PDF – Short Paper]

Yip, J.C., Clegg, T.L., Druin, A., Guha, M.L., Golub, E., Bonsignore, E., Foss, E., & Walsh, G. (2012, May). Cooperative inquiry for designing technologies for life-relevant learning. Proceedings of the Teachers College Educational Technology Conference 2012 (TCETC). New York City, NY.
[PDF – Extended Abstract]

Workshop papers (Refereed, unblind)

Ahn, J., Yip, J.C., & Gubbels, M. (2013). SINQ: Designing social media to foster everyday scientific inquiry for children. Demo paper in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’13).
[PDF – Demo paper]

Yip, J.C., Bonsignore, E., Ahn, J., Clegg, T.L., & Guha, M.L. (2013) Building ScienceKit through Cooperative Inquiry. In Human-Computer Interaction and the Learning Sciences Workshop at the Tenth Computer Supported Collaboration Learning Conference (CSCL 2013). Madison, WI, USA.
[PDF – Workshop paper]

Bonsignore, E., Yip, J.C., Ahn, J., Clegg, T.L., & Guha, M.L. (2013). Designing for learners, with learners: Toward a theory of Cooperative Inquiry in the design of learning technologies. In Human-Computer Interaction and the Learning Sciences Workshop at the Tenth Computer Supported Collaboration Learning Conference (CSCL 2013). Madison, WI, USA.
[PDF – Workshop paper]

Yip, J.C., Foss, E, & Guha, M.L. (2012, October). Co-designing with adolescents. Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Technology for Teens Workshop at NordiCHI. Copenhagen, Denmark.
[PDF – Extended Abstract]

Published Curricula

Stieff, M., Nighelli, T., Yip, J., Ryan, S., & Berry, A. (2012) The Connected Chemistry Curriculum (Vol. 1-9). Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.
[Website with PDFs and Simulations]

Conference Papers (Refereed, unpublished)

Yip, J.C., Clegg, T.L., Druin, A., Guha, M.L., Golub, E., Bonsignore, E., Foss, E., & Walsh, G. (2012, April). Cooperative inquiry in designing technology in life-relevant learning for science. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
[PDF – AERA Conference Paper]

Stieff, M., Ryu, M., Yip, J.C. (2012, April). Speaking across levels: Generating and addressing levels confusion in discourse. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
[PDF – AERA Conference Paper]

Yip, J. C., Jaber, L. Z., & Stieff, M. (2011, April). Examining changes in students’ coordination of  verbal and pictorial chemical representations in response to instruction. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.
[PDF – AERA Conference Paper]

Yip, J., & Stieff, M. (2010, May). Examining teacher decision-making during enactments of novel technology-infused curricula. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
[PDF – AERA Conference Paper]


Yip, J.C. (2014). The evolution of science ownership in learners engaged in design and technology usage. University of Maryland – College Park.
[PDF – Dissertation]

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